martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Tuesday, October 23

First of all, we went to the Love Park where we saw the Robert Indiana's famous love sculpture. Then we went to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia were we played some games related to Philadelphia's economy. After that, we went to Betsy Ross house. She was the creator of the first US flag with stars and stripes. This flag had 13 stripes and 13 stars because at that moment there were 13 colonies. Although Washington asked her to put the stars in lines, she put them in a circle because it represented union. After lunch at the mall, we went to a place where we saw a live representation of the history of the constitution. It was very interesting! When it finished we walk through the place, there were some interactive activities and sculptures of famous american people. Then, we went back to school, we met our hosts and every one went to his/her own house. Today we packed our things because tomorrow we are going to Washington DC. We had a great time here! It was an amazing! We are going to miss our hosting families a lot, we hope can see them again.

Love Park
Betsy Ross House
Philadelphia's oldest inhabited street

Camila Mindlin and Sofia Levin

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