viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

First day at School

Today was the first day of School that we had. When we arrived at school with our hosts we followed them to every class they had. We had subjects like Spanish, English, and many types of Jewish Studies. in every hebrew class we had to wear a kipa. Some of the hosts had tests so whenever a host sits for a test we are free. The lessons were like in Argentina, however, here there is a lot of silence. After having lunch we had an Art class where we made mesuzot with clay. Something else that called our attention is that there are loud speakers that make announcements in every class room. When school finished, some of us went home with their hosts, while others stayed some more time in the school to watch the soccer match in wich the Cougars (Barracks) won 3-2 versus Mercy, another school in Philadelphia.

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