lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

First day of the week, last day of school

Today was our third day of school. We all went to classes with our hosts and their friends as we did on thursday and friday. However, today we also got a special class only for us (Tarbut students). It was an interesting drama class, in which we had a great time and laughed a lot. We played some games in there. For example, there was one in which each of us had to say a word to make a story. We also played another game in which there were different coloured balls, and each of them had a different pattern to make. The violete ball was the name one, so when we throw it to someone we had to called his name, and when everyone had received the ball once, the circle started again, so you had to remember who was the one that threw the ball to you and who did you threw it to. The game became more difficult as the drama teacher added more balls with different paterns to make at the same time! He told us it was a good exercise to get concentrated and also to work as a team, that is something actors must do. I think we were really good at this games! But the best of them was that we could have a great time toghether. Another thing we are really enjoying from the school are the food, drinks, and ice-cream machines that are really cool and quick. Actually, we are enjoying everything, and we are really excited to see what are we going to do tomorrow...

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