martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Second Day

Today was a very interesting day. In the morning, when we met at school we shared the experiences we had with our hosting families. And then, we went to see the liberty bell, which is a very important symbol of the US independence. We learned that many people think it is call "the liberty bell" because it rang the 4th of July 1776, the independence day. But it's called like that because the abolitionist movement, who was fighting for the slavery abolition, rang the bell every time they had a meeting. They thought the bell was a representation of the US because it was a very good country but it had a flaw, which was the slavery. Like the bell, it was made of very good materials but it had a hole on it.

We learned more about the independence of the US at the independence hall. Then we had lunch in a mall. After that, we went to the National Liberty Museum, an art museum. There were many pieces of art that represented the liberty in the different ways. There was a "peace portal" made by a woman for her marriage. It was very colorful and full of drawings. The guide told us to look for a shape in the roof of this piece of art and not everyone saw the same things. It means that everyone can think different things and it is not wrong, we have to learn to see them in other perspective.

There was also a glass sculpture made by a famous artist who donated this piece of art to the museum when it opened. It is a flame of fire that represents liberty because sometimes making fire naturally can be difficult so you have to work for it, just as liberty. He wants to transmit us that not every time it's easy to have liberty, but it is not impossible. This sculpture has a gap because not everyone has it, but we have to continue fighting for it. Then we went back to school and each of us went with our hosting child.

It was an amazing day!

Sofia Levin and Camila Mindlin.

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